Our History
- Kenya Community Centre for Learning (KCCL) is a coeducational day school for learners with learning difficulties aged 6 to 21 years. It was founded in 2001 by a benevolent American lady, Astrid Robertson. It is situated in Mountain View area, Kasarani. KCCL is a non- profit community school that is managed by a Board of Directors drawn from the parent fraternity. The school is financed through tuition fees and donations.
- KCCL provides a supportive and enriching educational programmes for children with Dyslexia, Autism, Communication Disorders, Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorders (ADHD), Emotional Disorders, Down syndrome and other Delayed Developmental Disorders.
- Most children join KCCL having experienced failure and stigma in mainstream schools. As a result of the stigma that they suffer such children would normally have low self-esteem and lack the confidence and support to succeed in ordinary schools. At KCCL we work with these children to transform their outlook through a positive approach and a determination to succeed. For the first time in their schooling, our students regain their self-esteem and confidence. The Centre’s goal is to ameliorate the academic and overlying emotional difficulties which individuals with learning disabilities encounter.
- KCCL offers a modified curriculum which prepares students for the IGCSE exams or Vocational training. Our structured, multi-sensory and sequential approach enhances learning and memory development across all the curriculum areas.
- A combination of insightful assessment, individual teaching and specialised therapy are all designed to improve children’s cognitive and psycho-motor skills. The ultimate aim is to enable learners be more self-reliant and productive in their communities. The process of transforming lives is a wonderful experience for the children, their parents and teachers.
Our Philosophy
- The remarkable success of students at KCCL follows a deep commitment that every child is different – that each human being is understood as unique individual. Every curricular decision follows this orientation to individuals. As educators, our work is to understand each student’s constellation of talents, challenges, interests, hopes and fears and then together design school experiences that develop and showcase those talents, confront challenges, pursue and expand interests, allay fears and realize those hopes and dreams.